PA6 GF in Anmei

As an engineered plastics company,Anmei focuses on the production of modifed engineering plastics, among which igh-performance nyon 6 engineering plastics are one of our main product. We have nylon 6 modified plastics of heat-resistant, reinforced,toughened,flame-retardant, wear-resistant, weather-resistant, oil-resistant and conductive with glassfibe filing ranging from 15% to 50%. The mechanical properties of blended materiassuch as glass fiber and toughening agent added to nylon show that with the increase of glass fiber content, the tensilestrength, impact resistance andheat resistance are better, and the bending strength has been greatly improved as well which meet the requirements of industial products and daily use.The polyamide 6 price that Anmei offers is very competitive.Contact us now to get more detailed information about PAo price.


Types of PA6 GF

As one of engineering plastic manufacturers, we provide polyamid pa6 gf to meet the specific needs of various applications.

Our pa 6 material such as pa 6 gf35, pa6 gf 25 has very high rigidity, high mechanical strength, high hardness and toughness, and high creep strength. Moreover, they have a very high dimensional stability, good fatigue resistance and high mechanical damping properties. Click below to check more about types of pa6 gf in Anmei.


What Is PA6 Plastic

Polyamide (Nylon) of Anmei is a versatile engineering plastic that is available in different "grades" and applied accordingly, which is is one of the most extensively used polyamides globally. PA 6 (Polyamide 6) and PA 66 (


What is the difference between GF15 and GF50

The number of glass fibers per unit area of the material will increase when the glass fiber content increases, which means that the PA6 matrix between the glass fibers will become thinner. This change determines the changes in the mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced pa6 6gf composites in terms of tensile strength, impact toughness,  flexural strength, etc. But it's not that more glass fiber is better. The content of glass fiber higher than 42% will cause the notched imPAct strength to show a downward trend. 15% has high rigidity and strength, excellent durability (heat resistance, weather resistance, oil resistance), suitable for pump impeller, motor housing, etc., 30% and 45% are suitable for replacing some metal materials, and 50% content is suitable for long-term heat Stable performance and automobile engine parts which need excellent strength and toughness.


Why Choose Anmei PA6 GF

GF dosage is the primary factor.

In the dosage range of 0-35%, increasing the dosage of GF can sinicanty improve the mechanical properties of PA6.


The final retention length of GF determines the reinforced effciency.

The choice of the initial length of GF and the degree of damage to GF in the processing engineering determine the retained length. Selecting LGF, and reducing the damage to GF as much as possible by adjusting the screw speed and arranging the position of GF in the process of processing and molding, is the key to improving the mechanical properties of GF to enhance the PA6 material.


The processing technology determines the level of GF dispersion.

Ensuring GF can be evenly dispersed is the key point. 

ANMEI polymer experts can offer your professional options based on your products. 

Performance comparison between PA6 and glass fiber reinforced PA6

PA6 plus 30% glass fiber (PA6+30GF) is commonly used as the motor support and roller brush body of a vacuum cleaner due to its high wear resistance and high-temperature resistance. Because it needs to withstand the continuous impact of high-speed dust and particles, the strength requirement is very high.



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